Should I list previous work employment, skills or certificates not directly related to my career path (software development) on SE careers? I am relatively new in my career with lack of relevant work experience.

I initially enquired over at SE meta because I wanted to know what the 'algorithm' was in how our profiles were being chosen and listed to interested employers. However no-one could give me an answer, and the question was closed while I was pointed here.

I personally think these non technical skills are valuable experience so I list them on normal CVs and LinkedIn. However, SE gives the vibe of quite a 'technical' site, which I feel would attract 'technical' employers looking for candidates with specific language and technology experience.

As such, I feel if I was to list these 'non related' roles even among the related roles, an employer might look at my profile and think 'this person has missed the entire point of this site...'

  • If the CV is a little thin due to age put them down. It might be a talking point. Remember the CV is a mechanism to get an interview. People do not hire drones
    – Ed Heal
    Aug 1, 2015 at 18:44
  • 1
    This feels very opinion based. Some people will say yes, some people will say no. There's no definitive answer. As such, I am voting to close.
    – Jane S
    Aug 1, 2015 at 23:53
  • 1
    @JaneS some will say yes, and some will say no, I agree - but if they explain those opinions and the reasons behind them, they could help the OP come to a reasonable decision. Aug 2, 2015 at 11:25

1 Answer 1


Should I list previous work employment, skills or certificates not directly related to my career path (software development) on SE careers? I am relatively new in my career with lack of relevant work experience.

That seems like a reasonable thing to do if you are very light on specific, relevant work experience.

But make sure you aren't writing "what I did in junior high school"-type jobs or skills.

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