Since when have stopping a company losing some money be of that much importance? You have to find a better reason for the system to be fixed quickly and then interview for people that deeply care about that reason.
You are looking for someone that thinks the customer is doing a worthwhile task and will feels a sense of ownership of the problem.
Hopefully when the job is explained, most people that are not willing to do it will withdraw from the process. However some people will lose benefits, or have their family require them to take the first job they can get, or just be so fed up with their current job that they will take anything to get out.
So ask the person lots of questions over at least 2 interviews spread out over at least 2 weeks about how they will cope practically with it – you don’t care what the answers are, just that you are making them think about it.
Then only take on someone that loves their current job with a current job that does not pay much less. You are trying to select someone that has positively chosen to take your job.