Think about times you have hurt someone's feelings. Maybe you forgot their birthday. Maybe you talked over the top of them in a meeting. Maybe you made a joke that fell flat. Maybe you promised something and forgot to do it. Maybe you got angry without knowing all the facts. Maybe you made a decision and they misinterpreted it. Maybe you swore and your grandmother didn't like it. Maybe you expressed a political opinion that others took offense to. Maybe you laughed at something about someone that wasn't funny to them. Maybe you ignored someone who needed to be heard.
People's feelings get hurt all the time. I can see how an interviewer might be troubled that you do not seem to recognize hurt feelings in other people. The interviewer is asking whether you recognize when your actions (intentional or not) have affected someone else negatively and what you did to fix it. This is a valid line of inquiry if you are going to be working in a team.