Edit: I am no longer the original user who made this post (hence the more recent questions I am asking are not related to this post).
I'm the founder and head of a growing IT company. I went to a university (only finished my first year and a half) and was good with studies. I have 1 year of work experience (in an IT related field).
I started up an IT company and it's growing faster than expected. I signed a deal with another company. They gave me a good amount of money and now I have to advertise their company on my app.
With that said, I've got money to hire workers. The problem is, I'm only 20, and I'm interviewing / hiring workers up to twice my age and 10 times the work experience. I look like an 18 year old and my looks give away my age easily.
I fear that my own workers are not going to take me seriously because of my age and lack of work experience. I have a feeling that after hiring them, they might not like the fact that a 20-year oldsomeone with 1 year of work experience is 'calling all the shots'. Will my age and lack of work experience will make workers want to quit the job after the first month or so?
My question is, amAm I worrying too much about the fact that I'm a 20 year old - 1 year ofyoung worker with not much work experience - worker hiring (and then will be leading) a team of workers who are all older than me with a lot more work experience? Is there anything I can do to improve my situation or doshould I really just need to relax and continue the hiring processas is and see how it goeswhat happens?