I work for Staffing Firm A as a Contractor, currently working at Company A as my assignment. The contract is slated to last a year — June 2015 to June 2016.
I have been freelancing for Company B in my nights and weekends, and now Company B would like to bring me on board as a full-time employee. This comes with a MASSIVE increase in salary, title, and responsibilities.
I live in North Carolina, and the contract I have with Staffing Firm A mandates I must leave the standard two-weeks notice or else I will be in breach of contract. However, I would really prefer to begin working at Company B ASAP. Professional demeanor aside, I really do not care to return to either Staffing Firm A or Company A.
- WhatIs it possible to ask, in a professional manner, if Company A would be open to letting me go early even if it breaches the contract?
- If so, what is the most professional way I can go about giving my intent to leave, while also asking to be allowed to leave immediately phrase this?
Thank you!