I've been pursing a job in my field for quiteAs a while nowstudent, butI don't have a huge amountwhole lot of experience in the field (just a large amount on my own projects)industry experience; however, so most job postings are not friendly toward me. I did manage to find one relatively newa company in my city, which says they arewho is "always hiring." They also mentioned thathiring", and who said I was definitely the type they'd like to hirewould likely be a good fit in their teams.
A few months back, I scored an interviewinterviewed with a senior manager. He told me that they were interestedthem last year, but had justwas told--despite their enthusiasm--that the company has recently taken on a group of new staff, and he would follow up laterget in touch with me at a specific date. He
However, they didn't. I triedattempted to follow up with him latercontact the manager who was supposed to email me, but he never replied to me. I then went straight to the cofounder who said they were still interested. Soco-founder, she putwho set me in touchup with a VP of the company.
This VP and I have been back and forth: He replied consistently at first a short phone interview, then a lengthy exchange of emails about my résumé and a no-spec "test".
I finishedI've done everything he requestedhe's asked of me. His last email wasHowever, it's been two weeks agosince his last email, and I've tried to get in contact with him via email since, towith no avail. I feel like I'm running out of options, and like I'm being disrespectful by continuing to badger himsuccess.
How cando I deal with this? Should I send him another emailthese higher-ups who are either too busy to get back to me, or who are simply ignoring my messages? Should I give himIs there a phone call (and put him on the spot)? Should I just wait and see? Or shouldway I just give up on this job prospectcan politely contact them without seeming pushy?
(I'm not really familiar with the tagging system here, if someone could retag this for me and remove this note, I'd be grateful.)