I'm not one for putting a whole lot of time into my appearance. I stay clean, but that's about it. My idea of matching clothes is buying solid color shirts and khakis so I don't have to spend time color coding things in the mornings. My most significant hair care solution is cutting my hair very short (1" or less), so I don't have to comb it, ever.
That said, a woman who wears a little makeup can make men follow them and do whatever they want. I'm not advocating using a trowel to put on your makeup, just a little to enhance your skin.
Since you work in tech, I'm going to assume you don't get outdoors much. You might be as "pasty white" as the rest of us. (Yes, I've seen pasty skin that wasn't Caucasian.) Adding a little color to your cheeks and lips can make you appear to be more healthy, which makes both men and women want to be more like you. It works even better if it's not obviously makeup. Done "right", people might ask if you've been hitting the gym, got a new SO, or doing something different with your hair, instead of assuming you're getting the color from a jar.
If you naturally have shiny skin, you might want to tone it down a little, since that's often considered oily, sweaty, or something otherwise offensive, even if that's not the truth. On the other side of that coin, if you naturally have skin that looks "too dull", it can be perceived as super dry, as if you're constantly washing it, which can also make you look "too young".
Hiding acne, which you mention you have (I have it too, at 40), might not hurt either. Too many times, people focus on that sort of thing instead of you or what you're talking about.
You don't necessarily have to do this on your average day, where you are just interacting with co-workers who know you for more than just your face. However, you might consider doing this for meetings with outside customers, especially with people you haven't worked with before. If you do the makeup right, after they get to know you, you can drop the makeup and they won't probably even notice.
Full disclosure: I'm a man that grew up fairly "traditionally" in the Midwest, where women wearing modest makeup is considered normal. My personal preference on makeup varies wildly. I've seen women that look gorgeous with no makeup, and then I can swing to liking the looks of the professionally made up model. I can also like women who really go all out and completely transform their looks, like on the rare makeup tutorial I've accidentally stumbled onto on YouTube. I also respect women who don't care for makeup at all or only use it sparingly. My opinion on most everything is "Do what you like, as you are the one that has to live with it."