Let's assume I need to find an employee to act as a middleman/ link between two teams: IT and my team.
Whereas my team (and most of the company) is quite a nice place to work in in terms of diversity, cooperation and lack of hostility, the IT at my company is the nightmare:
- There are no women there. I don't mean that women don't constitute 50% of the employees. I mean: there's literally no woman there. Not one.
- The atmosphere is extremely "testosterony". Jokes are told that should never be told in the workplace
- Women aren't treated seriously during discussions, their input is neglected.
I don't have any power over the other team and talks with their manager brought nothing so far. Their manager is part of the problem. I know them from projects we cooperated on. I've worked in enough places to say that the IT dept at my current company is worse in terms of sexism than... Probably all of them.
Now, I need to employ someone who will act as a link between the two teams.
I'm now about to interview a female candidate who seems smart and whose experience is ok. But I caught myself thinking: "If I employ a woman, it will be hell for her to work with the other team and the probability she will resign soon is high".
I know this thought is totally sexist, but I'm a woman myself and I know how super difficult it is to work in a team where everybody is against you just because you don't have the "right" reproductive organs and especially with this team.
So I'm wondering what the best way to deal with this situation would be. I know I could mention to the candidates that it's not an easy position and ask the how they tackled difficulties in the past, but I'm skeptical when it comes to their realisation of the potential difficulties of this position. It's just worse than what is accepted in most companies.
Please note that this person would need to work with both teams about 50-50% of the time.