My co-worker had really made very discriminating comments about me. My other co-workers find it too bad. But the situation was nobody including myself reacted against it.

I want to send a this incidence documented, and ideally get my coworker to stop bulling me. So what is the proper way to report this? Is there anything I should consider?

Please note: This is Western Europe not the United States

  • Perhaps a better question is "how should you approach reporting this to your company?" This question does not seem terribly constructive or helpful to anyone. Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 19:41
  • is this a document to be provided by the company you are going to leave?
    – gnat
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 19:42
  • I think this is a good question even though it may be obvious to many of us that sending a company-wide email, regardless of how offended the originator feels, is a very counterproductive idea.
    – teego1967
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 19:45
  • 1
    @Saar, have you talked to your manager? Set up a private meeting with your immediate boss, discuss this issue, and show him your record if necessary. Then plan for the next step with his guidance and approval.
    – BeyondSora
    Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 19:57
  • 1
    @Saar - That update is fine for comments but that edit is not really appropriate in a question. Which country, it really matters. The protections vary by country. Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 20:49

2 Answers 2


If the company has an HR department and harassment policies, I'd probably suggest setting up a meeting with someone in HR and explain the situation. The key points to note:

  • When were the comments said, what did you do about it and what are you asking for now.

  • What reaction did your manager give that you feel isn't appropriate as this doesn't resolve the issue

The key here is that it may be worth bringing in HR as they would be the ones to report this if going to your manager isn't working which is the case here.


Thanks for the edit

Send ONLY to the appropriate parties

Never I mean NEVER send email blasts even among only the management. Select the appropriate parties. (This is likely your boss, his boss, and HR depending on the specifics) Email blasts are always seen as unprofessional in this context and could cost you a good recommendation, be it by letter or verbal.

Should you do this at all?

You may have a legitimate grievance here, but what is there to gain in doing so. In my opinion the proper solution is to provide details of this issue on the exit interview (purely on documented fact. No "I feel" or "I think") This lets HR and your boss and maybe your boss's boss know that they lost a valuable asset primarily on this situation, and spare you the risk of sullying your recommendations.

It's all about you

Remember you have to worry about yourself. If you ruin your reputation because you sent out an email blast on your way out the door than not only did this guy run you out the door, but he also put your future opportunities in jeopardy.

  • 3
    In my opinion the proper solution is to provide details of this issue on the exit interview - This is a very bad idea. You should avoid airing dirty laundry in an exit interview that you are unwilling to give them a chance to fix. Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 20:03
  • Exit interviews are intended on getting the honest opinion of those exiting your company on their own accord. Their entire purpose is to sort out what the company could have done but failed to do to retain an employee. I wouldn't make a huge thing at the exit interview but not having a reason for quitting is no better than saying the truth. The critical point is not to make it an attack on the coworker rather just make it clear what was happening. That way HR can make an informed decision on if or how they want to react. (also according to saar the boss was aware of the issue) Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 20:23
  • I think there is definitely a case for sending these to the appropriate people. The OP feels bullied, and that is not fair to them. That said, law and culture vary by country, so you may or may not have success with this approach. Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 20:45
  • 2
    If they really cared about why you were leaving they would have asked back then. Dropping a bomb in an exit interview is a good way to get put on their do not rehire list. Which you think may not matter but most companies will only tell if you are eligible for rehire when asked for a reference. Being told no you can not be rehired acts as a bad review even if you were an otherwise good employee. Commented Apr 22, 2014 at 20:52
  • 1
    I'm with Chad, waiting until the exit interview is the worst time to bring it up. The entire purpose of reporting an issue is to try and effect change. When you are in an exit interview then it's way too late for the company to do anything at all. I'd certainly put an employee on a no rehire list if they waited until the exit interview to highlight personality issues that they failed to bring up with the appropriate people. Mainly because it would show that I couldn't count on them to bring up important issues in a timely manner. Commented Apr 23, 2014 at 15:14

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