Thanks for the edit
Send ONLY to the appropriate parties
Never I mean NEVER send email blasts even among only the management. Select the appropriate parties. (This is likely your boss, his boss, and HR depending on the specifics) Email blasts are always seen as unprofessional in this context and could cost you a good recommendation, be it by letter or verbal.
Should you do this at all?
You may have a legitimate grievance here, but what is there to gain in doing so. In my opinion the proper solution is to provide details of this issue on the exit interview (purely on documented fact. No "I feel" or "I think") This lets HR and your boss and maybe your boss's boss know that they lost a valuable asset primarily on this situation, and spare you the risk of sullying your recommendations.
It's all about you
Remember you have to worry about yourself. If you ruin your reputation because you sent out an email blast on your way out the door than not only did this guy run you out the door, but he also put your future opportunities in jeopardy.