Background: So I work in a company where we have flexi time and our holidays are first come first serve. It's in the policy of the company.
I work with 2 other developers but our manager (for obvious reasons) doesn't want all 3 of us to be off at the same time. At any time we can have 2 of us off. The only problem with this is, I booked my holiday on our holiday booking system, and I was approached by my manager who said "'X' wants to take a holiday during September and so does 'Y' so we have to see when they're taking off too". I don't understand why she can't accept mine and them two decide which one wants to take off the same time as me as we can have 2 off at once. Out of kindness I approached both X and Y and simple said
Hey when you taking your holidays in September so I can get mine in, I've currently got xx/xx in
All I get back is "Not sure yet" but I've asked multiple times, two months later when holiday prices are going up, they are still 'Unsure'. Meanwhile my manager has still not accepted my request when it's supposedly first come first serve. I've mentioned to my manager that my girlfriend can only have a week off in September so it has to be then and we need to decide soon before its too late for her to put a holiday in.
My colleagues feel like since they've been here over 30+ years each that they're entitled to have choice whenever they want and can be indecisive when others have choices to be making and unfortunately so does my manager.
I mentioned to my manager that, It's unfair that I can't have my holidays booked because they can't decide. She said to me "It's because I can't have you all off at once so I need to find the dates to fit everyone in and unfortunately you all want the same month off previously before you joined it's always been like this"
Question: How do I get my colleagues to hurry up and pick a date or better yet, how do I get my manager to accept my holiday request so I can finally get my holiday booked.