Indian female here, residing in India. Been attending technical interviews and there were a few where one or two personal questions were popped up right at the beginning. They didn't make me uncomfortable per se, but made me think 'Why is this even important?'
A few of these are :
- Where are you from? This/that city or this/that region? (I am residing in the same city as the company and there is no question of relocation)
- How can you manage your family, kids and work if you are willing to join our organization? (It has regular office timings; nothing like working in US/UK shift)
- Do you have kids?
Kindly remember that here in India, people get personal very easily and there is nothing illegal about such questions as considered in the other countries.
As much as I wish that the discussion was purely technical, I understand that I cannot change what is being asked. All I want to reply is, 'I am here for a technical discussion and do not want to get into my personal details.'
My question is how do I put across this thought in a diplomatic way so that I am not asked about these further?
I am stressing it here; a few recruiters and interviewers get personal very quickly and get offended very quickly too. Yes, I am glad that I do not work for them. But, I want to reply in a smooth manner as well.