I work part time for an agency. My manager recently got replaced. Understandably she does things a differently, and may even be learning the position herself. Sometimes when I ask questions she simply ignores me. She assigns shifts without the official system. It's a bit hard to explain to someone not familiar, but I think the payroll system automatically checks the shifts from the official system to determine who gets paid how much. So I'm worried I'm not going to get paid when my shift doesn't appear in the official system (though there are different types of shifts so maybe that has an affect).
As one example I asked my manager about this and she ignores all my messages. She does this on other select topics too. How should I respond? Her manager isn't available so I have contacted the manager on top of them. I asked him some questions and the first one I said the new manager simply ignores the questions. Should I do this each question I ask him? I believe he's hoping that my manager's direct manager will be free soon to correctly resolve the issue but what should I do in the mean time?
Should I be blunt with my new manager and say
Why don't you reply to my messages? I'm not sure how to take it.
She replies to some of my messages and gives me instructions through the same communication channels, so I'm sure she's getting them. Once I was speaking with her on the phone and tried to bring up a subject and she said schedule a time to speak about it. When I tried to schedule a time she didn't reply.