I work for a company that has a big headquarters and 14 or 15 smaller local branches in different cities across the country. I work in one of the newest and smallest branch, opened in 2016 with a total of 55 people.
Until last November (2019) there were:
A branch general director
3 top managers, and
7 other managers (5 with permanent contracts and 2 with temporary ones).
During annual review at the end of November 2019, a lot of quarrels and contrasts have arisen between those managers, and the company headquarters around following reasons:
Missed promises.
No salary increases/bonuses.
Different vision for branch management, etc.
As a result, before the end of the year, the general director was let go, and the 3 top managers and 2 other managers resigned. During last and this week, 3 managers resigned as well. The last manager is one of the temporary ones and her contract will end on 15 January 2020.
Because only managers had contacts with clients (for example I never mailed/phoned directly a client, I took part in only a very few calls and I don’t have any way to contact them. All communications were held by managers, both from us to clients and from clients to us) 2 projects have already stopped. Teams have no activities planned and no way to ask for others. My team has planned activities until the last week of January 2020, but no way to communicate with client too.
Until now there's not a single communication (phone call, email, snail mail) from headquarters. Who should I contact? HR? Administration? CEO? I have never had contact with anyone at headquarters. (and what should I write to them? "Do you remember of us?", "I don't know you and you don't know me but: what should we do here?", not great ideas I think).
Is it time to polish my CV? Or can I take some advantage from this situation (I don’t want to become a manager thought, at least not yet)?