I have recently decided to leave my 15 year employment at a small business in the UK.
However, I am currently on a course which does not finish up till December and having invested the time in earlier modules I would like to complete it. I am planning to take a month out before seeking a new job so I’m not on a fixed timetable, however my intention would likely be to give my notice around mid-December. I’m contracted for 28 days notice which may be shortened by some owed annual leave.
Given that it is still October I’m wondering how to pull off the best exit strategy I can. I have a few considerations:
I have a job share and the long-term plan was for us to advance together. I feel it would benefit my colleague to have time to think about what she wants to do as I may not be directly replaced, or they may replace both of us and try to give her a different role.
I have a colleague who I am personally very close to. We’ve worked together for 15 years and I would have liked to have advised her privately and personally before putting my notice in officially.
An extended meeting has been called to address many of the problems facing me and my team and also to re-outline our roles, however it’s too little too late for me and I am still leaving. This meeting would be well before my notice goes in.
I would assume the wise thing to do would be to tell neither colleague and to act ‘as normal’ during the meeting as if I’m staying. However this feels disingenuous, and I fear that my boss, who will take my departure personally will be even more offended that this meeting took place and I ‘renegotiated’ the details of my role etc only to quit a few weeks later. Unfortunately he can be petty and I do not want negative repercussions beyond a couple of uncomfortable weeks during my notice.
As a side point, I was planning to tell my boss that I want to explore something new, but the real reason for my departure is how difficult the workplace is and that I feel ill- treated. I am also concerned that he will badger me for the real reason and wonder if I should risk upsetting him further by not disclosing.
What is the best exit strategy and how should I go about taking it?
Edit: to clarify that upsetting him further could lead to him trying to prevent me getting a good reference or actively bad mouthing me to future employers as he has friends in the same field. I’m not certain he would do this but I know he is petty.