I have had a new job for about 8 months now. This is an office job in the purchase department. While it is not in our job description or contract, they ask all office staff to work in one of the company's retail stores a few times a year for ‘customer closeness’.
I suffer from quite bad anxiety and it has been really affecting my work and home life thinking about having to do this. I live miles away from other people in the team and therefore cannot even team up with people to do it together in a store that is close for everyone.
According to the people who make the policies it is not compulsory, it is a method to help us personally in our role and in our team in line with what ourselves and our line manager agrees would be beneficial. The team I work in has no products in the physical store, only online. Therefore I feel there is no benefit for me to do this.
This also affects my bonus, which is the other thing which makes me question the situation.
How can I best handle this situation? What are my options here? Ideally, I would like to avoid working in the store, while also keeping my bonus.
Editor's Note: The original Q asked: "Should people with anxiety disorder have to pick between being uncomfortable or missing out on a bonus??". I removed that part as it is not a suitable question for this site.