I am a member of management working in cybersecurity division with a double digit number team members reporting to me. We have a matrix management structure in which a team member also has a project manager for which they report to on day to day project specific work the PM is responsible for. I have about 10 years of experience in the company.
Recently, I started dating another colleague who is a PM for a project for which two of my team members will be joining. We really like each other and want to continue moving ahead. Experience wise in company, she is significantly more junior with 3 years of experience. The project has potential to be a full quarter, maybe more. I will still be their functional manager. My company requires employee dating relationships to be disclosed to HR.
How do I minimize conflict of interest in case team members come to me for support? (duty to team members vs. desire to protect my gf / date)?
How do I ensure my team members on the project still has adequate functional management support if needed?
Solutions I considered and drawbacks of each that I can think of:
Request my manager to be the temporary functional manager of my 2 team members while they have a dotted line reporting relationship to the PM. Drawback: I may appear lazy or incapable and freeloading on others.**
Have team members join project of another PM. Drawback: I could be impairing career goals of my team members for a ulterior motive. I could be hindering the role / career success of the PM by denying her qualified resources.
Edit to respond to deleted comment that suggested protection of my date is improper:
I don't want her to be in a situation where she needs to choose between her job or our relationship via denial of qualified team members to her.
I do not want my date to feel she has to bottle up her frustrations on the project related to my 2 team members (unlikely though), and possibly have our personal lives affected as a result.
Most importantly, I do not want to be put in situation where my team members suffer due to bickering of their 2 managers when dating. I do not want to have to mediate.