I work on my current position for about 4 years, I need a change since I no longer learn anything new here. While looking for a job outside the company is definitely an option, I also want to see if I can improve my position within the company. Should I approach my boss like this:
Hey boss, while working in your team is great I no longer learn many new skills. I'm looking to improve myself further. Right now I don't see an opening elsewhere in the company that I'd like to fill (I have talked to X already), but maybe something comes up. I would appreciate if you could support me here by giving me notice.
I know that his is a difficult situation, as I'm right now your right hand. I want to help to find a solution were I further train one of the others so that I don't leave to large a gap in your team.
I know I'm asking much. I would greatly prefer to improve myself without changing the company and I hope that we find a way.
Would it be a good idea to approach my boss like this, what should I add or leave out?
I'm an engineer, after my boss I'm the longest serving person in our small department by far and I'm his replacement for some (non-managerial) duties. I'm not looking for a management position/promotion, but for a horizontal change.