I just recently started a position at a new company. Everyone is extremely nice and friendly, but they all share the same non-work-related hobby (a pretty famous trading card game). I don't mind that they often play at work, I think it's cool that people feel comfortable relaxing and can enjoy the company of their colleagues, and I don't really care how anyone spends their time if they get their work done.
However it's ALL THEY TALK ABOUT. They discuss at each others' workstations, chat online about it, and it typically dominates a large portion of conversation during lunches.
Now to be totally fair, they've invited me to join on a couple occasions - but honestly I just really don't want to, even at the risk of not fitting in. But I do find it harder to relate to them for that reason, and definitely feel like an outsider in a fairly small team.
My question to you all is this:
How does one navigate a company culture where the majority of your colleagues have such a strong camaraderie or clique around something you don't want to involve yourself in? Or is it just a question of whether or not you're willing to participate or risk becoming isolated?