I just learned that one of our managers is going to be leaving our organization (I work for a large, US, Federal Agency in California). I am currently not a supervisor, nor on the former manager's team, although I am a senior employee by grade.
I intend to request being assigned as acting supervisor for his team, as his product line is very similar to mine. Specifically, I will be writing a "business plan" explaining why it would be good for my senior leadership to assign me as an acting supervisor. I am prepared that they will say no.
My question are the following:
Are there any good alternatives to my plan, either as supplements or subsitutes to my plan?
What are some of the items I should cover in my business plan to senior management?
What is a good way to get the plan to senior management without seeming as going behind my own supervisor's back? (My supervisor is generally understanding and supportive of personal growth, but this is our busy time of year, and I am a little wary that she would outright veto the idea without pushing it further.)
Please note: I feel this question is different enough in scope as How Should I Approach My Boss About a Raise or Promotion?, as I am looking for guidance on a specific action and how to present it in way that shows its is in my senior management's best in.
edited for spelling