The last job I did before my current one was a bit of a disaster. There was no support and a great deal of pressure, which actually made me quite ill. I left as soon as possible, which was just over six months from starting. Unfortunately leaving didn't go smoothly.
My contract stated that I could leave with two weeks notice, until I had been there for six months AND had a six month progress review. This then increased to four weeks from the start of the calendar month. I handed in my noticed a couple of days beyond the six month mark, but before I had the review, so only needed two weeks notice. In fact I gave four weeks, which I felt was fair and usual.
A week after handing in my notice the company decided that they wanted me to do an extra two weeks to cover my replacement being on holiday for that period. They cited the four weeks from the start of the month rule, which would have required me to work those weeks if they had done the review. I refused, as I had already told me new employer when I would start.
The company refused to accept this and as far as they are concerned I didn't turn up for work, so was fired. Needless to say they won't give me a good reference. I disputed it but at the time I was unwell and just relieved to get away, so didn't ask for arbitration or anything.
When I move on again the new company will ask for references from my two previous employers. How is it best to handle this?