I work at a company that has a reputation for squeezing the most out of its employees, although the group I'm in doesn't share the same "burnout" culture that the rest of the company does.
I generally like my job, but what I've noticed that in order to get ahead (i.e. promotions, raises) you basically need to spend your own personal time developing improvements and solutions for the company. Performing your day to day responsibilities (even if you do so very well) is not enough.
As a family man I don't have the option to dedicate my personal time toward this sort of thing. I'd like to work my 40 hours and spend the remaining time with my wife and children. My team-mates, however, are all able to dedicate themselves to these after-work work projects.
Recently one of them developed a solution which has now become his full-time, at work, project, while his former responsibilities have fallen to the rest of us. I am so swamped with routine responsibilities that I have no time to work on additional projects at work.
Up until this point my boss had been grooming me for future promotion, and I had been pressured to perform, and thus rise in the ranks. However, especially now that my plate is so full, I don't feel like I can compete with my team-mates.
Is it unreasonable to feel that this lack of life/work balance, and the pressure to innovate on your own time are good reasons to quit the company?