First-timer here with a career question!
I'm a fairly recent graduate who started a job at my current company about six months ago. The company is a large, renowned chemical company whose products I am really interested in - and my degree is in chemical engineering and includes skills that are sought after within the company. However, at the time I approached the company for a job, the only position available was more of an administrative/logistics one. I accepted it because a) I had been waiting tables for quite a while at the time* and b) I thought of it as a "foot in the door" opportunity in a great company.
I want to point out that I take my current job seriously and I believe I have a good work ethic. Very few people actually "coast" here and good results are excepted from the whole service. However, I use very few of the skills and knowledge I've gathered during my studies, and they are the ones that interest me in the first place. My intention is now to apply to internal positions in different areas, where I could develop my potential much more and possibly start a career in R&D or product development.
So, my question is this: how should I approach my intention of changing paths? I realise that my current managers have invested time and money in my training, but one of the company's credos is also to use people to their best potential. Should I contact the areas I wish to apply to, or go through my managers first? What could be the worst mistake to do in that situation?
I await your answers and will try to answer any questions you have in a timely manner. Thanks!
*I am of course not scorning hospitality jobs; I've had amazing experiences and I have met really professional people during my serving times. It is not, however, a path I wish to follow for the rest of my career.