Here's my situation:
- I share an office with colleague A. We both report to the same manager M.
- Colleague B comes in our room and starts complaining about other persons (C,D...) in the team and about the general work culture at the office. He insults some of the other colleagues in the team.
- We listen to colleague B's tirade, say nothing. B leaves.
- Unbeknownst to me, colleague A goes to B's boss (E) and complains about B's behavior.
- E goes to B and demands an explanation (I do not know the details). At this point, B faces disciplinary consequences.
- B immediately goes to our manager M and tells him we (A and me) reported him unfairly to his boss and our (?) version of the events is wrong.
- I am drawn into this affair; M comes to my office and sits down with A and me to figure out what was said. A acknowledges he is the one that complained about B's behavior. Turns out that B has had such outbursts in the past (in the presence of A and of other colleagues).
- M says we (me and A) will likely have to sit down with B and his boss and talk things out (most likely a HR rep will be present).
What is the best way for me to deal with the situation?