In my first interview, my interviewer had mentioned that the team often goes out for happy hours, and there are social events outside of work. While I do enjoy socializing, personally I would rather not socialize with coworkers outside of work. I'd like to find out if this is an environment where these social events are required or the kind of place where no one would blink twice if you never attended, or somewhere in between. I don't mind the occasional event, but if there's a pressure to socialize regularly, I don't think I'd be a good fit for the team.
I've been trying to think of how to find out more without setting alarm bells off in my 2nd interview. I'm worried that if I ask, my interviewer will assume that I'll have issues working with people during business hours too! (The role requires a lot of interaction with other people.) Right now, I've worked out this question: "How do you think that an introvert would fit into the team?"
Would this question set off alarm bells for the interviewer? Or is it a good way of digging for details without making myself sound antisocial?