I can think of two possible approaches to this.
One option is to be straightforward and approach those cubicles where you hear the noise and politely say to them:
Hey guys, sorry to bother but would you mind turning down the volume of your devices please? It's a bit loud and it can be heard from across the office.
If they are not intentionally being loud an disturbing they will surely lower the volume.
If they do not, and continue to be loud, you can try the second option, and tell your manager about the situation so he/she can kindly remind them of lowering their volume (maybe in an email as someone already suggested).
I would advise you to try the first option before you consider escalating this. Even though telling your manager will surely solve this, your coworkers may think "Huh, this fellow went straight with boss to make us quiet, if he had spoken to us I would have surely lowered my volume".
In most cases it is better to address these things in person before trying other means of getting what you want, so trying to reason with your coworkers first could be recommended.