I want to leave my current job because of management changes.
I'm working in Germany for an international company. My team was restructured last year and since my new boss and my new team are in the United States. The rest of my old team has a new boss too, but he is based in Germany so the change is minimal for them.
Although my job is almost the same, I feel that working together is almost impossible because of time differences and legal incompatibilities. My team works when it's late/night for me so I can't attend meetings and I can't speak to my boss. After more than 6 months, nothing has improved and I feel totally left aside.
I've started to look for another job. I'm not sure how to answer when being asked why I'm leaving. Can I say I feel I can't work in this organization? I'm afraid recruiters think that I can't handle changes or that I can't work in an international context.