Background: I'm a vocational student and have recently received my Bachelor-Thesis project. Quite a cool thing imo - I get to completely build the customer reporting system for my IT department within the corporation. Even though I have this project, for which I have sufficient support and involvement from the department, I am not really a managed resource, and I still have several other assignments that I have to take care of. This creates for me a constraint on the time that I can spend on my project.
Situation: I would like to log the time I spend on my various assignments, but am not really sure how to do it, since they intertwine often. (Ex. I start on my project, then I get a call that requires immediate reaction; I return to my project, after lunch there's a meeting; followed by an administrative assignment; then I have to write a report;...). This is also connected with the fact, that constatly switching between tasks doesn't allow me to really get into a constant flow which I feel I need to make good results.
Question: How can I log time/effort allocated to assignments/tasks/projects in such a way, that it can be meaningfully presented afterwards. (Summing up hours doesn't show how fragmented my work gets. Is it maybe better to roughly measure(Mon, Tue, spent primarily on Assignment A, Wed - no clue what I did there, Thurs - meetings/reports, Fri - my project).
Goal: I would like to use the logs on time spent on my assignments to leverage what assignments I get, and how much priority gets assigned to each assignment(i.e. what quality/deadlines can be expected from my assignments). Ideally I would like to concentrate on my primary project, but I know reality demands efforts on side-tracks as well - I just want better control of what is expected of me.