The easiest answer to this (I've found), is one of two things;
Create a second profile using your work e-mail (not advised)
While technically against the terms of service unless you are reported no-one will check in all likelihood but be aware there is a risk Facebook will find out and take action.
I wouldn't advise this due to the ToS.
However as a Facebook app developer, I've found this quite handy to have second accounts for different projects.
Privacy settings & lists
Facebook has several features for filtering posts and creating lists for people.
I'd look into making all of your posts viewable to 'friends only' (by default and retroactively), then creating a list specifically for those that add you for work reasons whilst removing them from friends (I split mine off into different categories and industries, such as web design or game development).
Relevant posts are then made with the audience set specifically to those lists and personal posts are set so that friends only can see them (you are also able to set defaults and retroactively change all posts in your privacy settings).
I'd then look at creating a page that can then be used as a workplace (I believe local business or company does this) and setting your workplace to this. That way you can make your posts on this page and then share posts from here that only go out to your work lists.
You should then tinker with your privacy settings to ensure everything you wouldn't want someone classed as a friend not to see be hidden.
Hope this helps!