I’ve been working in the same place for 10 years. Today, a staff member (who is related to our supervisor) approached me and told me that our supervisor had to lend the boss several thousands of pounds of her own money because the boss didn’t have enough to pay staff wages. The boss has a fancy home and cars etc, and according to the relative he is taking money that’s supposed to be put back into the business and using it for personal things. She says his accountant is cooking the books for him. This is quite shocking to me, but I have no proof! The staff member is not always a reliable narrator but I don’t believe she would outright lie. How should I proceed?
Edit: Thank you all. Just to clarify for those who didn’t follow, it’s the relative of the supervisor who told me all this, not the supervisor herself. I would have to ask the supervisor to corroborate the story, but am hesitant to do so as I still wouldn't have proof and would likely lose the trust of the relative.