I am part of a small team, so unlike big companies, one person can make a massive difference, whether for good or bad.
My work is considering rehiring someone who handed in their notice last year and moved on. This person was always a good team player, and certainly knows the job much better than a new hire off the street.
My work heard that the person’s job fell through and want to offer him a position back with us. I have been asked to give input. However I am aware that the person has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness. This of course would likely impact our tiny team as understandably they will have more time off on sick leave than the average person.. and if the illness should progress then we could be talking long term sick leave.
I want the best for this person, and would certainly never disclose their private business to my workplace, however, should I encourage my work to take them on knowing what I know, or try to steer them in the direction of another candidate?
Edit: Additional information. I am in the UK. This person has not applied for a rehire, but there’s about to be an opening so they are considering whether to contact him directly and make the offer and that’s where I’ve been asked for input. He is currently unaware that he is being considered. I am assuming as he’s been job hunting for a month or two that he would be inclined to accept, at least for now, he only left us for more money, not because of problems. And I know he’s ill because he told me, though as stated previously I would not divulge this information.