My colleague (call him Bob) and I are Software Developers with experience of 1 year. Our CTO considers me to be more intelligent than him. For the last few months both of us have been working on the same technology.
Now, whenever Bob faces an issue, our CTO suggests consulting with me. 80 to 90 percent of the time, I am able to fix his issue and I inform the CTO that I have provided Bob with the solution.
Now, it has happened over 10 times that Bob implemented the solution provided by me incorrectly and he immediately goes to our CTO telling him that the solution provided by me is either incorrect or not working.
Listening to him, the CTO always gets angry over me and gives me a solid rebuke each time. Incidents like these have created a very bad impression of me in his mind that I don't do my work correctly the first time and only do the correct work after 5-6 repetitions and improvements.
Now out of compassion for Bob, I have never told our CTO that he frequently implements my solution incorrectly. If I tell him about Bob's inefficiency then Bob might get fired.
That's why I always remain silent when Bob commits some mistakes while implementing my solution. But the level of my patience has reached its limits now and I think it is the time to find a solution which could teach Bob a lesson.
Although I have talked to Bob regarding the same in the past and he said he understands, he keeps making same mistakes over and over again.
Now, I don't want to take revenge on Bob but I want a solution in which I can just stay away from this blame game played by Bob which results in CTO doing nothing to him but affects my reputation a lot.
Can anyone suggest what would be a good strategy to deal with this situation?