I recently joined a company to work as engineer/development concerning the software and IT solutions they have. During my interviews they presented me everything in a way that looked quite fancy and trendy. However, after some weeks here, I understood it is totally the opposite:
- They are using technologies totally outdated (10+) years.
- They hardly do CI/CD
- the tools the use are working so slow and are really obsolete. In addition they use it in a messed-up way.
- They use languages and frameworks completely old and low performance. I doubt any prospective employer is interested in those technologies.
- In addition, they have such bad practices in what concerns organizing
files of software projects, packaging the files etc.
- They do not have any software packages, so all the source code is a single project. This causes a bottleneck everywhere
- They mix up software with the infrastructure in a way that is so painful to work with and to decouple if necessary.
Furthermore, the trend does not seem to stop. They seem conscious about it and have on the background some plans to improve it but nothing is coming to reality.
I have actively and passively communicated about this since I joined the company. They reckon most of it is in the to-do. However, it is in their to-do since ages and the whole thing is completely stuck. I can see they filed in some issues about this long time ago and really nothing happened to fix all the technical debt.
I am wondering, I could stay in this company and do nothing about the technical debt. Or keep fighting to reduce it. It would be a lot better for my future prospects if I can show I've been working on modern stuff as opposed to outdated technologies.
What can I do to encourage my company to commit to their own to-do and clean-up the product?