I'm an avid open source contributor for few well know open - source software libraries. Besides writing code, I've written a few articles on medium.com
related to these contributions.
Therefore, because I have less than 3 years of official industry experience as software developer, I'd like to include my open source contributions on my LinkedIn profile as well.
This would be under the 'Experience' category so the final output would be something like this:
I listed Github as the 'Company name' because all of my contributions are on that platform.
I'd like to ask if framing the open-source work like this is a proper way to showcase that experience, even if it wasn't paid? Should I move it under the Volunteering category? In case someone suggests the Volunteering category as the correct one: would that make this experience a bit less valuable?
Any other ways in which I can present this experience on LinkedIn would be welcomed.