
I would like to start a career in CS/software engineering; my background is in math and finance.


2 Answers 2


They will notice your education in your CV is not computer science related.


Software is like being a rock guitarist. (Think: Joe Walsh!)

Software is all of

  • incredibly well paid

  • incredibly hard to "break in"

  • you have to spend an awful long time "at the bottom" before you "break in"

and relevant to you

  • nobody really cares much about qualifications or background

Far and away, software is the field where (bizarrely, really) you can get away with having oddball / lacking / none background or qualifications.

That's if you're Joe Walsh.

If anything, degrees in "math and finance" are fantastic.

I see it as a positive, if anything.

But the reality items you (and everyone dreaming of the Wonders of writing software for a living) face are these two:

  • incredibly hard to "break in"

  • you have to spend an awful long time "at the bottom" before you "break in"

  • Well, I feel that design (I lean toward more abstract 'things') is a missing element from my current job, which places heavy emphases on analysis and communication.
    – d0SO'N
    Oct 27, 2018 at 6:02

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