Back in the day I worked for a small consulting firm that grew. It grew and it grew and it grew until it had two branches in neighboring cities, and was starting to expand to a third city. Then, unknown to me, the two owners began to bicker. One of the owners wanted Out. The other owner wanted to keep the business going, but couldn't buy out the first owner without breaking the business. So, they decided to sell it. The owner who wanted out would take the money and go - the other would take the money and stay with the buyer, to keep the business going.
All we knew on the "employee" side of the ledger was that we were told that "the company needs to put our salary structure on a more industry-standard basis" or some such nonsense, and those of us who were hourly and getting paid a percentage of our (relatively high) billable rate were asked to convert to a 'normal' salary, for much less money. I looked at the deal, realized I'd been on one contract for over 8 years with no end in sight, and quietly didn't take them up on their magnanimous offer. Eventually the company was sold to Big Consulting Co., who required us to convert to salary - but the salary at the "new" company was significantly higher than what I was offered earlier by the company I'd helped to make successful (in my small way, by driving 50 miles to the client and fifty miles home).
Moral of the story: money is money. Get as much as you can, and don't take less. If your boss has forgotten what you've done to help, maybe it's time to move along.
P.S. Eventually Big Consulting Co. went belly up and got bought by PrivateEquityFirmCo. Me? I'd already left for greener and closer-to-home pastures. No more 100-miles-per-day for this ol' boy - now I'm 7 minutes from garage to office. I make a little less, but I also have less stress. And when they were still of an age to be picked up after school I had time to pick my kids up after school, go to soccer games, and etc. Now they're mostly grown and off to college, but I'm not goin' anywhere. Just remember - nothing lasts forever - so get yours while you can. :-)