I will try to keep this as brief as possible but with enough information to make informed decisions. Please point me in the right direction if this is not it.
I've worked at a small startup for the past 5 years. We have 8 people at our office, and our main development is done offshore. Long story short, our contract is terminating with them on not the greatest terms. Nothing malicious, but we will not be in business with them in the future, and they have become unresponsive for the time being.
I am the only one at our main site that has any programming knowledge. We are in the process of signing with another team, but everyone comes to me for answers, effectively making me head of Development (formally QA/Support). As crazy as this has been so far, I remain optimistic.
There is one very big problem, and that is the fact that there is no one to ask technical questions to. I've checked around our repository (we use Assembla/SVN), and we are seriously lacking in documentation. I'm thankful that I've poked around in the past and was able to setup a dev environment, and modify files as well as deploy them. There is still a lot that I do not know.
My questions are far and wide, but here are some of the main ones to start:
Have you ever been put on a big project by yourself? What did you do first? Apart from backing up our source code, what are some important steps I should take?
I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed at the moment, so I do appreciate some understanding. Our company is in decent shape financially (always operated in the black, lots of revenue coming in), so I'm not really worried about job security. Still, is the best answer to this situation find a new job? I really like our founders, and they have treated me like family. There is also the issue that I am now developing the software, and am being paid for my old job duties (may or may not be the best time to bring this up?) Thank you and have a nice day.
Our Stack: C#, .NET, SQL, Devexpress