I have been working in the software industry for more than 2 years now, and have been studying it in school for the last 4. I work with an intern who has taken 2 introductory classes (Python and Java), and has never worked in the industry before this job. He is constantly telling me that my code is too complex, my methods have names that are too verbose, and my variable names are too specific. He also insists that every 3 lines or so of code requires a comment, as that is what they teach in the intro courses more often than not. He seems to lack the skill to be able to read code, and doesn't seem to understand that you should be able to write code in a way that is readable. We have gotten into several discussions about this, the last one got rather heated as I was attempting to explain to him that human-readable code is desirable, and verbose method names are not an issue.
During this latest exchange he attempted to tell me industry standards for source code, and how I wasn't following them, when he has never seen any industry code himself. Which is when I started to lose my cool. I am not a people person, which is why I went into computers, and am wondering what advice you all have for, in general, dealing with inexperienced people who attempt to apply the basic 'how-to-code' standards their professors taught them to the real world.