This answer adds another point of view, rather than directly opting for invite/no invite. In my opinion, this kind of question is highly subjective but answers can be provided to guide the OP in making his final decision.
The fact is that it is all relative. Thus, the choice can be different depending on the OP's culture and relationship status with the whole group.
Why you should not invite the guy
Because of course that is your house, your rules, and your own freedom to invite whoever you want to your private property.
You never want to feel uncomfortable because of the presence of an unwanted person. You are doing the event to enjoy your time, not because you have been ordered to.
Why it is rude not to invite the guy
First, you may just want to say nothing to the offending employee. Thus, it will be possible that other people will inform him about the event.
Andrew, are you going to Bob's party? I need to borrow a ride.
Huh, what party?
You won't care if someone who harmed you feels offended by not being invited. In fact, we all know people who, despite their blatant wrongs, still feel on the right side and play victims.
It's when the above conversation happens, or when people start to comment about the past event that, that thing might go downhill.
Not inviting Andrew might be seen rude by the other coworkers' standpoint. Bob, why didn't you invite him? might be a question in some environments. Be prepared to it.
Now, it is possible that either the other employees know or not about your precedents with Mr. Andrew. If they do, or at least do know that you are in bad relationship, they may understand. If not, you can look rude because you skipped a friend of your friends.
In conclusion
In general, the choice of inviting or not a single individual to a private event really depends on:
- The OP's ability to keep discretion about it
- Whether the bad relationship is known or unknown to the people surrounding the OP
- The group's attitude towards the invitee, e.g. if he is well liked or not by the group
Choices could be:
- Not to invite the guy
- Give up the party and perhaps invite only friends that do not work with you (all or none approach)