I'm recently had an interview on Skype where pre-interview the Female Interviewer texted me that she would prefer a Video Call on Skype rather than just audio. I agreed and proceeded with accepting the call as Video Call on Skype.
But Interviewer had their side only Audio. The reason I mentioned the Interviewer's gender is cause I'm from Pakistan and some religious females here avoid showing their face in Public even in professional environment. But it's very rare. So, I thought she might had the same reasons to not do a Video Call but the whole interview I just kept looking at myself in the screen. Which really feels uncomfortable when you know that they are looking at you but you can't see them.
Once more I had an interview with a Male interviewer from Germany although He didn't request the Audio or Video but I accepted the call as Video and He did the Audio Call cause I just wanted to stay on the safe side and not be rude by doing an Audio call where maybe interviewer was expecting a Video Call.
In both instances I wanted to ask the interviewers to do a Video Call on both sides or just the Audio, cause to me this felt rude and uncomfortable. But I didn't ask because I didn't wanted to make an issue out of nothing.
Should I in future ask interviewer to switch to video and how without being rude?