During a recent interview for a job, I got a very bad feeling about the person who would be my team leader. The job itself would have suited me, but I disliked the person (his interview style was confrontational and he made unprofessional comments about people we mutually knew). So when I was invited to a second interview, I declined with a pro-forma statement ("... on reflection not a good fit...")
I received an email from them today expressing surprise and saying that I was their top candidate. As the person lives nearby, he suggested a meeting in person to hear my reasons why I declined.
I would like to avoid meeting this person again and let the company move onto the next candidate.
Several options occur to me, none of which seem without problems:
ignore the request (hence I will probably be blacklisted by the company for being totally unreliable)
explain again with a generalised statement via email that it wasn't a good fit etc. (risking that he still pursues the idea of a meeting)
be honest and say that I didn't find I could work with the person / personality clash (risking just looking like a jerk)
Which of these options would be the better approach, or are there alternatives that I haven't thought of?