I am a software developer. I will try to be as less technical as possible. I made a SOAP service for a project. This service accepts a request from a user, which is like this:
Now QA enters another tag in the request like below:
He says that the service should throw an error on this and marks it as a bug. Then he further adds repeated tags which are non-list items, then says that error should be thrown, then marks that as a bug. Then he gives String value in tags whose data type is Boolean or Number. The service does not show error on those as well so he marks it as a bug also. Last one is high priority bug and the other two bugs are marked as low priority. The problem is, the tool which I use to generate the webservice does not handle these scenarios, however it uses JAXB for conversion. Now I shouldn't be asking questions about using JAXB in this site. Apart from that, how should I handle this situation? Are these really bugs? If not, then what should I do? Furthermore, other projects have been shipped upto production and passed UAT and SIT with this behaviour (developed by myself and other teams), but no issue was marked in their releases. Should those projects be changed as well?
Edit: After reading the answers, I think I should add that this service gets consumed by another third party system, after which it goes to the end user. So this third party system already accepted previous releases of this and other projects with the same scenarios. Furthermore, adding validations will also impact this third-party system and that is why it is a high risk fix (if that's even a term). Thanks for all the answers. They are very valuable :)