I am employed in a consultancy company and I work at the client workplace. Monthly, I have a client employee sign a timesheet to certify the number of hours I have actually worked.
I then scan the timesheet and send it by email to a colleague in another department, I'm not sure if HR, Accountant or something like that.
In the body of the email, I just kinda repeat the content of the object, being sure to write the month and the year to which the timesheet refer and greetings at the start and at the end, but obviously, the email tends to be pretty boring since the real deal is the attached file.
So, I wanted to start adding something unique, like a quote taken from the internet or some kind of random curiosity. I would pay attention to be as neutral as possible to not offend my colleague or the managers I add in CC.
Would you consider such a behaviour a unprofessional? What do you usually write in the body of emails which really have no body?