There's a new problem with some equipment. Since OSHA visited the plant last year we got some stuff fixed, but now we got new safety equipment and rules we have to follow that make things worse. So like we have to wear two gloves instead of one when handling hot things. But now I burned myself and my supervisor wrote a report and is thinking of giving me a safety write up. I was wearing both gloves but the cooling area is closed and has to be opened and my hand slipped because we used to just open the door with our free hand and hold the tray in your other and we didn't have the glove on that hand. Now my hand slipped on the door handle, and I got burned by the tray when I tried to catch myself and I'm worried because I think they know that I called OSHA last year and they're going to use this an excuse.
So I'm not too sure if I should got to the union and fight the write up or to talk to my supervisor and tell him so I won't get written up, but I'm not sure because if you go to management the union doesn't do anything because you have to go with a rep from the start if you want them to represent you. So if anyone knows who I should go see that would be great.
Question: Who should I go see about my issue?