Due to personal reasons beyond my control, I will be quitting my job and moving overseas this summer for an indefinite amount of time.
I have been at my current job for about 6 months now, and I absolutely love it. The team, the work, and even the location have been amazing, and I'm truly devastated to have to leave it all behind. I developed personal relationships with many of my team members and got involved in many interesting projects that allowed me to really grow and evolve as a developer. I am also the lead for a couple of large, high visibility, ongoing projects, so my departure will definitely be a slight hurdle for those.
A few more facts:
- My team is currently 20+ people, we are all very close-knit. Most people choose not to leave the company for another job, rather they retire out of it
- 2 other people have left suddenly in the last few months (also personal reasons beyond their control) so the team is already smaller than the manager planned for it to be at this point
- The team is still growing, 5 new hires will be joining in the fall due to an anticipated increase in work
- The company is a giant, no one person matters in the grand scheme of anything
- I have not come across an explicit notice period, I'm assuming 2-weeks since that's what most companies do here
- If I ever move back here, I'd love to be hired back by this team
- I'd like to get a positive reference from my manager for my next job
My question is, how and when do I convey this to my team? I don't want to give the information too early and possibly be terminated before necessary. But I also don't want to betray them by telling them late and leaving them in the lurch.
I'd really like to walk away from all this on good terms, but I'm not sure the best way to do so. Should I hand in a written notice directly or should I talk it out first with my manager/team? Should I wait until 2 weeks before I have to leave to bring it up, or should I bring it up sooner?