This summer I got a summer job as a junior developer with the promise to continue as a part time while I finish my masters at the university.
I was hired with another student from the same university, but he attends another field of study, more related to the job than mine (General software development vs. ML/AI/Robotics).
In essence he should have an edge up on me in this job and I expected to having to do catchup throughout the summer. However, it soon became apperent that the opposite was true and the last couple of weeks I have been explaining and teaching him basic things he should know already. Despite this I have been outperforming him in terms of completed tasks and doing alot more work in alot less time.
At the end of the summer, we are supposed to have a interview, reviewing our work this summer. Me and my student colleague have the same wage, but I have alot more experience (5 yrs part time vs 2 yrs part time), I perform better, invest more time and am generally much more interested and forward leaning than him.
Because of this, I would like to have a raise at the end of the summer, but its far from essential.
TLDR; I believe I'm outperforming my colleague, who should be outperforming me.
How should approach the situation with my manager?
Its very discouraging having the same wage as my colleague while clearly performing better, but I don't want to badmouth my colleague or seem demanding.
I love the work and its a well paid job, its probably the best job I can get while finishing my masters degree.
I'll try and make my point better: I'm not feeling underpaid in general, the pay is actually above what is recommended for third years students. The issue is perhaps that my colleague is overpaid or perhaps that the paylevel at this firm is higher than what I expected.
Some have pointed out that the performance of my colleague should not be decide my own wage, but I disagree. My own performance and work is taking a hit, because I'm spending a considereable time teaching and helping my colleague. Furthermore, whenever our work is review, its constantly his work that is flawed and then having me fix the bugs and issues.
Isn't it then relevant for my wage? Can't I highlight for my manager that I'm constantly having to work twice as much as my colleague, despite getting the same wages?
Perhaps my question was poorly worded. How can I professionally highlight a performance discrepancy between me and my colleague, to aid in my performance review?