I handle all of the internal IT at the company I work for. For several years, I have been trying to get some new servers purchased to replace some failing server. Several months ago, after repeated attempts to get my manager to take some sort of action on this matter, I sent an email to my manager summarizing everything. I warned my manager regarding the probable and imminent failure of one of our servers. I also noted that the remaining servers were all over five years old. I also asked him if he had a remediation strategy in mind, such as purchasing new equipment. My main goal with this email was to have something in writing documenting the issue.
After I wrote the email, my manager did respond to me, however, it was a verbal response and he was sarcastic about it, basically to indicate that he disagreed with what I said.
The failure that I warned about finally happened, and it caused most of the company to not be able to work. As the one who has to work to resolve this issues, this caused me to be put in the limelight and I am struggling to explain to people that I had no control over the age of the equipment.
I feel that I need to provide upper management with the documentation showing that I tried to address this issue in the past, however, I'm not sure what the appropriate way is to go about doing this. In this type of situation should my goal be to protect myself, or should I try to establish that my manager has acted negligently?