My company was supposed to be doing a conference next week in NYC. Over the past few months, I had been given multiple assurances that the conference would take place. I bought my own plane ticket and had been reimbursed by the company. I had also bought additional tickets for my wife and kid, out of my own pocket, and paid for additional nights in a hotel.
The CEO has now canceled the conference. A development took place yesterday that he thinks is an absolute game changer and he wants the development team that I'm in to work on that, full bore. "Each of you stand to profit considerably when this goes big" we were told. This company fooled me, once, with respect to the conference, and as the saying goes, "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". Whatever credibility this company had with me has walked right out the window with this latest development.
The way I see it I have three options with respect to the conference:
I don't go, nor do my wife and kid, and the money I spent for their airfare and the Sunday to Tuesday hotel is just written off as a complete and total loss.
I do go but I re-purchase my airfare for the original dates (Tuesday to Tuesday) and I pay for a hotel from Tuesday to Sunday. The problem is that this makes this vacation a lot more expensive. Also, I don't have enough PTO to take that much time off. The conference wasn't supposed to count against PTO so, before, I was only going to be using two days of PTO whereas now I'd be using six days of PTO.
I re-purchase my wife and kid's airfare for Sunday to Tuesday, and I purchase myself a ticket as well. The problem with this is, again, that I'm having to spend more for the trip then I had originally budgeted. Not to mention the effect this is going to have on my family life. The wife and kid were really looking forward to a week in NYC and, under this plan, although they'd still get to do NYC, the fact that their time there would be greatly shortened would still be a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.
The recurring theme in all of these options is that I am losing money.
Maybe I could sue my employer vis-a-vis promissory estoppel? Maybe I should try to make an appeal to the CEO? Maybe I should just take my losses and start looking for a new job ASAP? Maybe some combination of the above?
I'm guessing Travelers Insurance (which I didn't purchase) would not help in this scenario but I don't know. I've never purchased Travelers Insurance before so it's not like I have any experience with it.