I've just recently started a new job, and my direct manager is also quite new in a management role.
During my first/last review, he stated I needed to work on my soft skills and was not enough of a "team player". To illustrate this, he came along with examples like "someone claimed you didn't greet them in the hall" (in that regards, the question seems somewhat related to this one How to react to criticism referring to your personality?)
Is giving negative feedback based on anonymous hearsay acceptable for a manager ?
I'm thoroughly confused with feedback encouraging me to fit in better with the team based on stuff which was apparently said behind my back. This just makes me overly cautious on what I say/how behave with team members as I can't help but wonder if the team member I'm talking to is the one criticizing me. On the other hand, maybe my Manager just misinterpreted what was said about me. In either case, I find telling me this is counter-productive.
- Feedback on technical on-boarding is very positive
- I really don't think my manager is some kind of jerk (he's done a lot to help me settle in to the new town for instance)
- He's openly told me he's open to any feedback on his management since he's new at it
- If I am right in assuming he can do better in giving feedback, how could I suggest this without seeming too patronizing? I'm considering something along the lines of "if anyone complains to you about me in the future, I'd be glad if you asked them to talk to me about it".
- I'm not saying the feedback is nonsense, I am new here and probably have plenty of room for improvement, but I'm struggling to find out why/how.