I used a free resume review service and was kind of disappointed from their review. The person who reviewed it kept mentioning that the way I worded my resume make me look like a "Doer" but not an "Achiever". Of course he is talking about my job experience and the Projects section.

The problem is I didn't lie in my resume and that's the closest description to the truth. In my current company and my position there is no way to achieve something, there is no room for progress (it's like working for McDonalds). It's true I am a hard worker and I work 200% more then my co-workers and I do the job in half the time they take. But I am not sure if it's a good idea to say it that way on my resume.

I work as an Instrumentation Engineer (I do what I am told to do), so I can't say like other job experience description that 'since I came to the company we made twice the money we usually make or saved them 30% in expenses' ..etc

So what's the best approach to improve my resume in this area?

  • 3
    As a former McDonalds employee, I can assure you, even at McDonalds, there are a lot of things that you can choose to do "well" or "poorly"
    – David
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 7:19
  • 3
    "The problem is I didn't lie in my resume.." You should never lie on your resume, but you should present yourself in a manner that draws attention - Wording plays a big role in that matter.. Try to put emphasis of what you think are your strengths which a future employer can benefit from..
    – iLuvLogix
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 7:37
  • 1
    @David I meant no insult, It's just an example that I imagined in my head ( I have no idea how is the work enviroment in reality at McDonalds)
    – Rahim
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 10:49
  • 1
    @David You are right, please accept my apology to you and to all McDonalds employees, If you can help me with my question : How can I list acheivements if in my job I do only what I was told to do, and I get shutdown if I try to be creative, or should I just ignore the CV expert and keep my resume the same
    – Rahim
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 11:07
  • 1
    You might be surprised to hear how familiar your predicament is to first world employees (it happens a lot!). Try to think of your proposed solutions as achievements in and of themselves. A good interviewer will be able to determine whether or not they think the proposed solutions are credible and will understand that you do not have the power to force through these changes unilaterally. Just be candid and trust them to recognise your business sense. Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 16:07

3 Answers 3


First and most important advice in writing CVs and resumes: WRITE FOR THE POSITION YOU'RE APPLYING and frame it in a way that's attractive for that position. Essentially, you need to "sell" yourself to the recruiter and the hiring manager. Do your research and understand what they're looking for.

As a hiring manager (I'm not a recruiter, mind, I'm their client), what I look for in a resume is a very simple framework of 3 topics:

Context: what was the job about, when and where. Sometimes the job titles are not really straight forward and you cannot understand off-the-bat what it means and where you place them in your own organization

Action: your key responsibilities within that job, and if you worked on something extra or other side projects, what was your role in them

Results: what kind of results and improvements can be directly attributed to your contribution. There NEEDS to be a clear causal relationship between your actions and the results.

You can and you should always look for ways of making your work more efficient and easy, if not for yourself, for your internal and external customers, and the results of that can be put into your resume or CV.

  • 3
    I'll give you a +1 for "selling", as the CV/Resume is a "sales brochure", although I think you could offer more practical advice to help OP. Maybe an Instrumentation Engineer position example showing what you mean by your 3 points. Otherwise, this is a clear and concise answer.
    – Justin
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 7:57
  • 1
    I agree, but unfortunately the "Context" part is a bit missing :) OP says they work as "Instrumentation Engineer" but also "I do what I'm told to do" which are two conflicting statements in the organization framework I'm used to work with (I work in consumer goods manufacturing). I do not hire engineers to "do what they're told to do", I hire engineers to think outside of the box and bring new solutions. So I'm missing more context on what "instrumentation engineer" means. Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 8:03
  • Fair point Juliana. OP, have a look at this example (random search) greatsampleresume.com/job-responsibilities/… and try to tailor it to your own circumstances using Juliana's answer..
    – Justin
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 8:10
  • @Justin instrumentation engineer can be programming led displays ie « just » coding to building analogue gauges with 6 or more jewels for bearings so a simple title with many possibilities behind...
    – Solar Mike
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 8:15
  • Thanks @SolarMike; I didn't know that. I would have searched more extensively, but I kept hitting work's internet filter.
    – Justin
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 9:51

Being on the high end of "doing" is an "achievement".

What you have to do is look at the results, which is typically some form of work product, how it is delivered (you say faster and better than your peers), and how that impacted your employer (things delivered faster, better, cheaper, more revenue, greater profit).

Those are your "achievements".

I gave a "hire this person" recommendation to a manager recently because the person I interviewed fit that description - faster, better, cheaper - perfectly. He was hired, and it wasn't a mistake to hire him.


I find a couple items of interest based on your question:

  1. You base everything on the opinion of one. Who is this person? What does he do? Is he just browsing resumes on this free site? What sort of qualifications he/she has?
  2. He offers no improvements to your resume except to say you're a "doer."Whatever that means in the context of what you're trying to do I have no idea. That's sort of like pointing at a random car and saying it's a "goer" not a "racer."

My thoughts: apply to the jobs you want and see what you get back. Unless your resume is filled with fictional information or something, you should get back some hits in time.

  • Thanks for your answer, simply this person is from resume writing service and they offer a free resume evaluation , allegedly they are professionals and they know what they are doing, at first I thought that their reveiw is just a template sent to all users, but it's very detailed and long which mean they really spent time on it, but I think I will take your advice for the moment
    – Rahim
    Commented Aug 2, 2019 at 15:33

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