I was hired under my first boss (Boss A) as a contractor, then a few months later he transferred me to my current boss (Boss B) because Boss A had budget issues and he didn't want me to leave the company, instead he wanted to be able to bring me back to his team once his budget issues were resolved the next year.
Before the transfer, Boss A got me to build a product that saves the company time and money. Now Boss B wants me to build a better version of the same tool so he can demo it as his own. Boss B is completely aware that Boss A will not be happy to see this.
Boss B also wants me to use the production system integration credentials (that belong to Boss A's team) in a proof-of-concept during a large demo of my work (Note: I'm still on Boss B's team, and I had access to credentials because I used to be on Boss A's team).
Boss B has a strong reputation of lying (in-person and in-writing). I don't think he'll cover me if during the demo Boss A's team makes a fuss about production credentials being used.
Any advice (other than "find a new job", "go to HR", or "hide under your bed") ?
I don't think this kind of behaviour is unusual in corporate environment, so I need practical advice.
P.S. Early contract termination will not impact me negatively (at least from a financial perspective) as there are plenty of contract opportunities in the market.